Wednesday 6 April 2011

How the Jews Killed Jesus

This is part of the new education series that will start to appear on this blog from time to time. The first part is a detailed explanation of how the Jews killed Jesus.

Religion is of course a delicate subject as it brings with it a lot of historical baggage, some of which is contradictory and confusing. The aim of this is to get some kind of actual answer to how the Jews were responsible for his death.

It seems sometimes that some religious people are fucking mental. This is evident in the Louis Theroux documentray aired on the BBC a few months ago where he went back to visit the most hated family in america. A family that earnt its reputation by celebrating all of gods actions even the death of soldiers, by pickiting their funerals with signs like"God Hates Fags", "Thank God For Aids" and the one that interests us most here today "the Jews Killed Jesus".

The documentary consists of lots of bizzar interviews with quiet possibly deranged human beings on the subject of homosexuality, Death and The Jewish faith. At one point Louis comments upon seeing an anti Jewish video "that has to be one of the most offensive things I have ever seen".

From my own very limited understanding of all this I was under the illusion that Jesus was killed by the Roman empire. Research shows this to be a view in one case where I read that he was crucified, which was a Roman punishment for anyone who thought they were a king and did not respect that the ceaser was the highest position that could be held by man. Thats what it says in the gospel and we all know that means it must be true.

In fact in my favorite novel The Bible (Gods word dictated but not read:AD 70) it says this in John 19:12 as: "every one who makes himself a king sets himself against Caesar."

So far it is assumed that Jesus was killed by The Romans for being too big for his boots and that. Not giving props to the Caesar and going around giving it large. So where do the Jews come into the picture? Wasn't Jesus Jewish?

From what little I can find about why the Jewish are blamed, I have come to a conclusion. The Christian movement was getting grief from the Romans because they didn't want anyone else to be king other than Caesar. So what the Jesus/Christianity movement did was after being allied with the Jewish as part of an attempt to remove The Romans they decided to turn their back on them and blame them for the killing of Jesus in order to score points with the romans.

Now any Christians preaching that Judas was a traitor have a fucking cheek! Yeah he may have sold Jesus out to The Romans which lead to his eventual death by crusifiction but blaming not only a completely innocent religion but one that Jesus belonged to for the killing of the lord rather than the people who actually did it is a bit harsh.

So there we have it the Jewish are histories most very favorite scape goats. Fair play to them after all the bad shit they have been through they can still get up on stage and have a laugh.