Monday, 13 December 2010
Snow Worries
Monday, 15 November 2010
Americant But English Can
It seems to me when I look at the best television shows coming out of America within the last few years a hell of a lot of the actors are English or British.
The first series that comes to mind is The Wire. Not only was it and maybe still is the best show on television but it featured a wealth of British actors in major roles.
The first and most important is the character Jimi who is played by Dominic West. He is not only sort of the lead character but a bloody good and important one too.
For those who haven't seen the series first of all, what the fuck have you been doing with yourself for the last 8 years! Secondly James Mcnaulty is a sort of typical American/Irish piss bead. He enjoys such things as drinking his trademark Jameson whisky, pissing on railway lines, befriending stick up kids and singing along to the pogues. He is the glue that holds the show together for 4 of it's 5 series.
This is not the only character in this great show to hail from Britain as Stringer bell, (Idris Elba) the smart business school educated and drug dealing gangster is somehow from London and recently had his own show Luther, Which received mixed reviews.
Now I know what you who haven't seen the series are thinking, these guys must play bumbling Hugh Grant types in this series but it is the complete opposite as they play full blooded beef jerky chewing and budlight swigging Americans! Well maybe not bud light but they defiantly are convincing.
These are not the only people that pop up in the show who are of British origin by any means. The eventual mayor of the city of Baltimore, Vincent carcetti is also a British boy having been born and lived in Ireland for much of his life. Also having a major role in that show queer as folk. Remember that from the 90s?
Other notable English or British actors toilig in the American T.V business include Hugh laurie in house, Sonia Walger in lost, Damien Lewis in the brilliant Band Of Brothers and Natasha mcelhone in Californication, to name a few.
Long gone are the days where actors like Christopher Ecklestone have to play annoying English guys like in gone in 60 seconds, which also features Vinnie Jones for some reason. British actors are right up there in both American tv and American film.
I could go on about Stephen Graham in the new Boardwalk Empire and all the other British actors in Band Of Brothers but you would get bored so I won't.
Monday, 8 November 2010
Was He a Good Guy?
Friday, 29 October 2010
Cheryl Cole "the nation's new sweetheart"
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
George Osborne: '"It will always pay to work"
- £81bn cut from public spending over four years
- 19% average departmental cuts - less than the 25% expected
- £7bn extra welfare cuts, including changes to incapacity, housing benefit and tax credits
- £3.5bn increase in public sector pension employee contributions
- Rise in state pension age brought forward
- 7% cut for local councils from April next year
- Permanent bank levy
- Rail fares to rise 3% above inflation from 2012
Wane Rooney?
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
"Just Look At These Scenes"
Sunday, 19 September 2010
RMT PPE Now Includes Nappies
FYI as an American douche would say, PPE is an abbreviation for Personal Protective Equipment.
Southern Railway have announced a new type of train they will be introducing on certain routes in the near future. The new and "improved" train boasts more room for passengers, easier and more flexible space for wheelchair and bicycle users and errrr no toilets. Sorry? What was that? Err, yeah no toilets on these new trains. Well, what if someone needs to go to the toilet while they are on the train then? “Well, we will only be using these trains on certain routes that will be under half an hour”. Oh well, that's fine then, sorry I even mentioned it.
This however doesn't seem to be the case at all, as the trains are scheduled to be used between Portsmouth and Brighton which take around an hour and a half. But hold on - you said they were only going to be used on short journeys of half an hour or less? “Well, I don't think I said that”. No you definitely just said that earlier, but now you're going to use them between Portsmouth and Brighton even though that journey takes about an hour and a half? “But I...” (starts to sniff) Well don't cry.... I mean, just think about it next time yeah? Come on its not that bad just put some toilets in them it will be fine.
Anyway, that rather bizarre conversation aside, this really does have to be quite a terrible idea. Just imagine sitting on the new train after having enjoyed a lovely day trip to Brighton with the family. You're tired, it’s been a long day you just want to relax and have a nice chat with your Nan. You look around you and you see more old people. You look to your left and it's a knitting club’s annual day out. You look to your right and overhear a conversation about how the minibus broke down and the Portsmouth based care home had to use the train to get back from its weekly prune tasting course. You look behind you and you see a small child drinking a 2 litre bottle of water. Finally, a confused father of 3 walks past you holding a nappy and then suddenly you realise there are no toilets on the train.
You start to get a little edgy and regret those extra 3 pints of beer you had at the pub. You start trying to think of possible alternatives to a toilet like a policeman's hat, but ah… that's only for pregnant women. You consider telling the officer that your wife is pregnant and she needs to make use of his hat. You broach this subject with the wife and she assumes this is somehow an attempt to call her fat so you think of another idea. You think maybe I’ll go in the bin but then you remember you can’t go in front of other people, and that's why you have used the cubicle in the men's toilets for the last 30 years of your life.
You start to run out of ideas as you consider using your daughters book bag to hide your mothers shame. But, in the end you have to give in to the inevitable truth that soon you will have to say that one sentence you thought you would never have to say in your entire life " Nan, if you need to go just shit in my hat".
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Smooth Sailing For The Good Ship Albion
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Football Football Football Football Football We All Love Football!
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Dyer Politics or a Canning Plan?
Today Danny Dyer has announced he has entered the leadership race to become the next leader of the labour party. The 32 year old actor from Canning Town said he was "buzzing" when asked how he felt about his chances of becoming Gordon browns replacement.
More to Follow...