Andy Gray isn't a pioneer for women's equal rights! Shocking news I know but just try and get your head around it because its true. Right well have you managed to get over your initial shock?
So Andy Gray, a former football player and I suppose now a former football pundit, commentator and a television presenter called Richard Keys were recorded saying sexist things about a female assistant referee during a broadcast on Sky sports at the weekend.
Gray and Keys did not realise that their microphones were left on as they made sexist jokes about the female assistant including "someone needs to go down there and teach her the offside rule" and then "Yeah I know can you believe that, a female linesman" and my favourite quote "ah the games gone mad".
The media have gone crazy with the story reporting it on both the front and back pages of their newspapers. The BBC website even has the news of Andy Gray being sacked from Sky ahead of a story about three people being killed in Egyptian protests and one about a UK soldier being killed in the Helmand province. This ultimately settling the age old debate on whether Britain's love football more than war. I had my money on War.
Anyway lets get back to the story and how everyone is so shocked and outraged by it all. There are a few things people need to remember about the people who made these comments. The first being that they are football pundits and therefore are not going to be winning any awards for Britain's most liberal man and the second is they are as thick as a big piece of shit that you have to strain out when you have eaten nothing but boiled eggs for a week and that urges you to look around into the toilet to check for blood.
I must say to be fair to the pair that they didn't say it on air they said it like a couple of bigoted cowards behind her back, so in a way they didn't actually want to offend her did they?See nice guys really.
See just another misunderstanding in the football world I think.