This has to go down as Tit of the week.
"A lost sailor has had to be rescued after running out of fuel circling a small island when he thought he was sailing around the UK coast."(BBC news)
The man set off from the beautiful picturesque marina of Gillingham Kent heading for Southampton. As anyone attempting what was going to be their maiden voyage you assume he would have taken the necessary equipment in order to navigate his way to Southampton. You know the usual Marine Charts that would easily guide you on your journey? No? Well neither did he. He chose not to bother with such things, he thought you know what's better than a Marine chart? I think ill take a road map. Yeah that'll get me there.
So off he set with his road map and oh wait no life vest? No of course not. That's just unnecessary isn't it really? Its just for those squares who worry all the time about being safe and actually making it to where you want to go, Fuck all that.
Now well on his way to Southampton fully equipped with everything he needs including a Road map so he can find his way and the genius navigational plan of "keeping the coast to his right" he starts to wonder why the journey is taking so long and why he is nearly out of fuel because he later reveals "he could do the whole journey by car in less than one tank"
He thinks nothing of this and sticks to his plan. Remember the plan? yes that's it keep the coast to the right nothing can go wrong with such a well thought out plan can it?
Yes lots can go wrong. The brave sailor end up not making his way around the south east coast of England, past Whitstable, Herne bay, Margate, Ramsgate, Deal, Dover, Folkstone, Hythe, New Romney, Hastings,
Eastbourne, The Beautiful Brighton, Worthing and so on but endlessly circling the small isle of Sheppey sticking courageously to the plan of keeping the coast on his right.
When found by Neville Crane, of the Isle of sheppey HM coastguard rescue team, the man told him he had owned the boat for less than a day and he was very surprised that its fuel consumption was greater than his car.
Good old Neville Crane said "He was very short on expertise, even shorter on safety equipment and had no navigational equipment whatsoever on board."
Now I think Neville is being a little harsh here because he defiantly had at least two navigational tools. Remember? Yes of course, the oh so trusty road map and the plan to keep the coast to his right.
Our mate Nev did give the man some good advice however and I too agree with his advice and would also give this to anyone upon hearing them tell me they are going to try and sail to Southampton from Gillingham in a boat they bought this morning after having no experience in sailing and using a road map and the plan of keeping the coast to their right.
His advice, simple, accurate and just down right good "he'd be better off making the journey by train."